BOOMY, how does it work?

Clés, carte d'identité et téléphone protégés par un Qr Code Boomy

In order to protect your items you must own a Bommy QR Code and register it. All you have to do is scan one of your unsaved QR codes to access the app or you can just download the app from your store!

Bouton pour télécharger l'application via l'App Store Bouton pour télécharger l'application via Google Play

You don't have a QR Code yet?

stikers Boomy

Make sure an item is safe with Boomy

Téléphone entrain de scanner un Qr code Boomy


Scan an unregistered Boomy QR Code in order to link it to an item.

Aperçu de l'interface de création de compte


Create your account and fill in a valid email address.

Aperçu de l'interface pour nommer l'objet protégé


Name your item and take a picture of it. There you go! You've kept your first item safe thanks to Boomy!

Aperçu du menu mes objets sécurisés


You can instantly check or modify the items you have made safe through this menu.

mini-cartes Boomy

Discover everything you can keep safe...

Boomy, in case you lose something

Personne scannant des clés équipées d'une minicarte Boomy


Just in case you lose an item, the finder can chat with you thanks to the anonymous and instant chat feed.

Boîte de dialogue entre le propriétaire et le trouveur


As soon as someone scans the QR code of your item, you'll be notified through the app. By clicking on it, a chat feed will open up.

Aperçu du menu des échanges


Then, you can access the conversation through the app. Together, you can decide the best way to return your item.

Aperçu du mail de prise de contact


You can also access the chat feed through a secure link that is sent to you via email.

à partir de 50cts

Lost item?

With the help of an easy identification with a Boomy QR code (stickers, mini-cards, tags …), you can make sure your most precious items are safe.

After having scanned the Boomy QR code, the person who has found your object (or pet) can get in contact with you via the chat feed. The returning of your property can therefore be done straight away.